By tanisLX - 25/10/2014 21:58 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I went to the police station to find out if the tint on my new car's windshield was too dark. The officer took one look, told me that windshield tints are illegal in California, and ticketed me. So much for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 208
You deserved it 9 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Entirely different ballpark in terms of crime dude

What shop let you get it so dark anyway?


Tinted windows are for douchebags. YDI.

Tinted windows are dangerous and selfish. YDI.

This qualifies as one of those things that a person with half a brain would have thought to check BEFORE they bought the car....Dumbass.

Should've asked BEFORE you spent the money YDI.

Most states its legal up to 35%, every shop I've ever been to had a chart that showed how dark each shade was up to the legal one however, you can choose to go over the legal amount if you choose to do so at your own risk. A window tint alone is not enough to get pulled over, good on you for trying to do the right thing but I think anyone could of told you that was not a good idea

You can get pulled over if they think your tint is too dark, it's still a law you have to abide by just like any other driving law.

Same thing happened to us... I'm glad the police have there priorities straight about crime

I live in Cali. Window tints aren't illegal, almost every car here has its windows tinted including mine.

My tints are too dark, and tomorrow I am purchasing a mustang that has 0s. Just don't let them catch you ;-)