By helloitsbrian6969 - 24/05/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I went to the store to buy groceries. I didn't care how I looked, so I wore an old shirt that said, "Thousands of my potential children died on your daughter's face last night." I ran into my girlfriend's parents at the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 005
You deserved it 158 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...Why do you even own a shirt that says that, much less wear it in public? XD. This made me laugh, but you definitely deserve it. Wear vulgar clothes, get in trouble.


you really should care more about your appearance..

jerseystreetking 0

fatfaceunited ur an idiot, cum is semen he cummed on her face therefore losing potential children the cum are the pontential children ok? dumass...

#4/9/26, Stop pretending you don't know what cum is!!!!!! ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaineswiftblade 0

dude i have that shirt and the same thing happened to me a few times..... only had the shirt 3 weeks

rwarlol 0

at least you can tell her parents she getting her proteins.

I can't believe someone who owns that shirt can even get a girlfriend. You're probably fat and disgusting.

Freed0mfr1es 0

Ita funny that the shirt says "thousands" when it should say millions... You must have a low sperm count XD

Boy, you and your girlfriend must be a class act to watch. This is beyond trailer-park white-trash.