By busybee - 10/05/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, I went to the zoo with a guy I like, when we were there we saw a swarm of bees. I told him that if I got stung he would have to watch me because my dad is deathly allergic to bees and I have never been stung. Jokingly, he nudged me into the bush and said "let's see". We did. I'm allergic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 755
You deserved it 5 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PLEASE tell me you don't like him any more. Kick him in the chuckies.

AK 2

What an asshole. Even if you weren't allergic that would still have sucked. Seriously, what the hell? "Look, there's a swarm of bees! Let's jump in and see if you're allergic or not!"


What a prick. You should have thrown him in with the lions to see if he was invincible.

painandpeace 0

Delete that asshole from memory. #135- Clearly, you have little to no regard for your own or others' well being.

You definitely can't have an allergic reaction without a sensitizing exposure first. If you have a reaction at all, it is mild the first time around. Your body needs to be able to develop antibodies to the antigen in order to mount a severe allergic response. You can have reactions to drugs, but those aren't necessarily "true" allergies, but toxic effects of the drug. I'm not a doctor but I do have a microbiology degree and I am a first year medical student.

€pic fail. I hope you slapped him and left him by himself after you got over the reaction.

KY_Jelly 10

Are you deathly allergic like your daddy? If so then FYL. If not then, have a nice life, it won't be that hard.

praetor_fml 3

I like how all the women are downing the guy. I've been stung before. It's not that bad and I'm pretty sure he was joking. I think that's far more humorous than getting "love tapped" or turned on in public and get left out to dry by a girl.

He must be a ******** to even think about pushing someone into a pack of bees. Who the hell does that??

528Alice491 3

Bee allergies are not genetic, it's coincidence that you and your father are both allergic... But honestly that sucks super nuts and I'm sorry that happened! :(

Omg that is so messed up. How does the OP deserve this. It's not her fault that she's allergic

why on earth would he push you into the bush anyways.