By screwed. - 03/02/2009 01:42 - United States

Today, I woke from last night after meeting the most amazing man, and after giving him a good morning kiss, roll out of bed to use his bathroom. After using his toothbrush, I go to replace it in his holder only to find not one, but several prescriptions for herpes in his unzipped toiletry bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 418
You deserved it 45 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use condoms. Don't use other people's toothbrushes. Get some common sense.

OEsEben 0

can you post a picture of yourself in case i run into you somewhere?


f_t_p 0

YDI! It's your fault!!! First off, you hook up with a guy after you meet them the first night, second, you are using HIS toothbrush!! It obviously seems like sharing is not an issue with you, so no wonder he didn't bother to mention his herpes. I hope you learn your damn lesson.

shamwowman 0

eewwwww you used his toothbrush??

Yeah really, that's what you get for using his toothbrush! Herpes!

it definitely does! (17224) - yeah! way to show 'em (17224)

I'm hoping that you used a condom. Otherwise, have fun with an STD that will flare up sporadically for the rest of your life. Seriously, it's a viral infection, & there's no way to 100% way to cure it or get rid of it. Also, why would you use this man's toothbrush? Fair enough, you really like him, but if I was in your shoes, I would have gone home & called him later. Seems like common sense to me.

dont use the herpes toothbrush! dont you watch south park?

Herpes is not the worst thing that could happen to her, what about Hepatitis? You're alot more likely to catch Hep from a toothbrush than HSV or even HIV. Both viruses, when exposed to the air, don't survive well. Hepatitis from my understanding can survive in dried blood. Another reason you shouldn't share razors either. And what about etiquette here? I'd be pissed if someone I didn't even know used my toothbrush. I'd be grossed out if someone in my family used my toothbrush!

That is disgusting.. You used his tooth brush?

amazinggbaby 2

You know giving someone an STD is illegal if they didn't inform you they had the disease..