By screwed. - 03/02/2009 01:42 - United States

Today, I woke from last night after meeting the most amazing man, and after giving him a good morning kiss, roll out of bed to use his bathroom. After using his toothbrush, I go to replace it in his holder only to find not one, but several prescriptions for herpes in his unzipped toiletry bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 419
You deserved it 45 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use condoms. Don't use other people's toothbrushes. Get some common sense.

OEsEben 0

can you post a picture of yourself in case i run into you somewhere?


so first off, Magali, yes.. yes herpes IS contagious ALL the time, why else would there be medicine to prevent transfer of infection "even when you don't have an outbreak" and ateasenfitz, the scalding hot water from your bathroom faucet is not at a nearly high enough temperature to kill bacteria but rather actually creates an even more improved breeding ground for the bacteria you were trying to kill

for the most part those medicines help prevent an outbreak, but u can't get herpes without touching a sore from a person who broke out with it

Ewwww, sharing toothbrushes. You don't even do that with family!

hahaha your such a ******* ****!!!! SLUUUUTTTT

^ What this guy said. Ugh, have some standards.

I hope you used a condom. But then, you used his toothbrush so I doubt it. Good luck. At least herpes isn't fatal.

in cases like this, it would be better if herpes was fatal

xbaybaygirl 0

Sucks for youuuu haha shouldnt **** random people you know absolutely nothing about. FYL

Dirty dirty dirty...shame on you all the way around!

FYL. I don't get why people hide these problems. It only hurts the people they get with or touch.