By acw2110 - 20/02/2009 23:25 - United States

Today, I woke up after having had sex with my 4-year crush expecting to find him in bed next to me. Instead, I found my cell phone with a text message from him that said "you should really do something about the pimples on your ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 710
You deserved it 12 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crackandcheese 0

If he pays that much attention to your ass? You may have a secret Butt Pirate on your hands, dude.

#7 How do you correlate pimples with being fat? Sorry I don't see the connection.


ya you gotta hate those damn pimples.

stargirl14 0

you know im sure you would have done the same thing cuz thats really gross and he was trying to help you cuz people usually dont have pimples there but thats just my opinion

Apparently it is pretty common, considering a good half of the comments include people talking about having acne on their ass. P.S.-- OP, it could be worse. There's a dimple on one of my asscheeks. It's not that cute, either.

Sounds like such a sweetheart, that guy. You might want to do something about that though if its REALLY bad.

christopherlove 0

I had to read it a couple times before realizing it does NOT say you had sex with a 4 year old.

It saddens me as a guy that there are other men out there who are actually rude enough to point shit like that out in the open to someone. You keep stuff like that to yourself.

Manny_B92 0

Do you shave your ass? Because you get some of those sometimes if you do, but girls usually aren't that hairy XD.

Bella_999 0

#7 your a total bitch. go die.

You're a moronic ignorant judgemental insensitive retarded little bitch.. Go die ... OP ass pimples are sexy ;)