By anon - 20/06/2014 05:06 - United States - Kennett

Today, I woke up and put my contacts in. It appears that I got drunk enough last night that instead of soaking my contacts in contact solution, I used mouthwash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 347
You deserved it 24 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments


91hayek 31

I thought you were going to say had them stored in some liquor like rum, and now you have to wear an eye patch like a pirate.

Schizomaniac 24

You put your CONTACTS in? As in both of them? How the hell did you not realise that something was up when one of your eyes starting burning intensely?

Re-enactment below Man this contact hurts. what the hell? why does it hurt. I'll just put in the other one so I can see why the first one hurts. ouch that hurts too. reminds me of the time I poured hadrosaur urine on myself to wash off the hadrosaur urine.

RedPillSucks 31

Or his hangover hurt so much he didn't realize what the other pain was from.

lilmslady 11

what i dont get is... the fact that contact solution is normally clear and mouthwash is normally colored.... annnnd this didnt ring any bells??

Get her in the sights of your gun with Scope.

pshtuthinkicare 19
therealjc_fml 14

Well....Atleast you can still see enough to type this FML

Just because your eyes are green does not mean that wintergreen is the product for you.