By haunted - 23/10/2015 20:41 - United States - Gainesville

Today, I woke up at 2am and went to use the toilet. I sat there doing my business, when I heard a voice whisper my name from behind me. I live alone and the toilet is right up against the wall. I screamed and ran back to my room, then went without sleep for the rest of the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 572
You deserved it 2 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Peeep 17

The chamber of secrets has opened!


It was 2 am, probably sleep-induced hallucinations

Could well have been perfectly true. People are going to mock this, but just claim Gods protection. It works, Ive done it.

I lived in this house... You could close the bedroom door and push/pull from either side and it would stay closed, firm as any door would usually be. Can't budge the thing at all... But low and behold, the second you relaxed in bed it would click open and glide silently until it tapped against the wall. I still can't figure what caused it, but to this day it bums me out. The door thing wasn't that bad I guess, but OP, your story is the stuff that phobias are made from!

What you're not telling us, is that your name is actually pronounced in a way that sounds just like a creaking floorboard, right?

Psychiatrists can give you pills for that