By cheddar - 20/07/2011 22:17 - United States

Today, I woke up feeling great. I opened up the blinds and looked out from my window just in time to see a man ripping my mailbox from the ground and sprinting away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 448
You deserved it 2 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

topdawg255 0

thats y u install brick mailbox


Ok, so I know this sucks for you, but it made me laugh.

by any chance did you happen to have a subscription to girls gone wild, or playboy..?

so sorry what a desperate person

if you watch phineas and fern u will find that a brick is a toy. not a weapon

ferb**** apparently autocorrect likes plants more than cartoons

Maybe he thought he'd get your issues of Playboy or something.

Well... I would have loved seeing that!