By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 21:59 - Iraq

Today, I woke up from a nap to hear my roommate having some intimate time with his hand. The slopping and slurping sounds along with the girly man squeal as he finished haunted me all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 879
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

excusemydust 0

I think the words 'slopping' and 'slurping', as well as the phrase 'girly man squeal' are vivid enough alone to haunt me.


'Girly Man Squeal' ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should have recorded him...lolzzzzz

GoldenMan9966 0

i would have gone into the room where he is and say u want me to finish for u and then give him a *******. no lie thts wat i would do

an3 0

that is disgusting. next time, keep the sound effects to yourself.

If ur a girl. And i hope u are. U shuda helped him

epic fail. it clearly says "man" next to his username.

FML for having a vivid imagination. I'm now hearing slurping and slopping sounds, followed by a girly man squeal.

O_e hehe...sorry about least he didnt say your name or anything...FYL

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!! Oh my god! That's so disturbingly hilarious! I'm SO sorry... That's absolutely horrible... But I love the way you worded it, "haunted", and "girly man squeal" are just too funny. So great, so great. Definitely one of my favorite FML's ever. (And particularly upsetting since I have a vivid and uncontrollable imagination... I feel traumatized too... ._. )

Well i am glad you can share my pain. I havent been able to look him square in the face since without laughing. I confronted him about it; he didnt care. Even when i mentioned the girly man squeal, he simply said meh you should have stayed asleep. FML. (FYI i am in the military so i have no choice but to room with him out here,again. FML)