By slightlyworried - 05/04/2013 05:28 - United States - Parker

Today, I woke up from a nightmare that I've been having for a couple of weeks. In the nightmare I'm shot four times in the back by none other than my mother. I'm getting worried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 149
You deserved it 3 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You ought to shoot her in self-defense. If you got hit in the face with a volleyball recently, you may have gained psychic powers.

Its a sign op! Run! Fast! You should be more than "slightly" worried.


mattbenfly75 2

I think it's pretty normal for girls to have nightmares of their mothers, I've had several in the passed week alone

I think the dream means that your mom has news for you that you aren't going to like, such as a death, or a divorce, or a baby, or perhaps she is going to ask you to leave the nest. I don't think she is going to kill you.

day624 14

Who knows, that dream might be a prophecy?

You probably should talk to someone about that. I mean in most cases I'd just say it's just a dream and probably doesn't really mean much, but if you've been having it for weeks there's obviously something going on. Odds are your mom is just a metaphor for something else that's frightening you right now, but either way you shouldn't just try to ignore it.

I once had a series of dreams in one night without waking up. One was relatively normal, but in the next my neighbors and family were plotting something. In the next one, I was in hell. In the fourth one, I was on the ceiling looking down at my body, while my mom injected poison into me. The last one, I asked her if I was dead. She said, "no, but you should be". Then I woke up

kel_paige 2

If it's not one thing, it's your mother..

Its a sign OP, get rid of your mother before she gets rid of you!