By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:41 - United States - Oregon City

Today, I woke up from a sexy dream about my boyfriend. Too bad I'd fallen asleep in my living room with my whole family over, grandma included. They were all staring. I'd been sleep humping and moaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 198
You deserved it 6 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must have been one hell of a dream to be sleep humping.


lovelylore 1

I hate when that happens I feel so embarrassed the whole day

Wake up with a scared look on your face and play it off as a horrific dream you couldn't escape?

Snackycake 20

It's ok, op, I talk, scream, and cuss in my sleep. Makes me wonder about all the times I slept in school....

shutyourmouth12Z 7

Jeez that must have been some hell of dream.

Dang. I've done that. Lol. But in front of my girlfriend. While dreaming about my ex. I didn't have the guts to tell her.

How could that possibly be her fault?

I probably would act asleep the rest of my life