By idk ask freud - 04/07/2013 04:11 - United States - Portland

Today, I woke up from an extremely intense and pleasurable wet dream. This wouldn't have been bad, had it not been about Velveeta cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 766
You deserved it 9 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Still a better love story than Twilight!

Wizardo 33

"Sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am I to diss a Brie? I Cheddar the world and the Feta cheese. Everybody's looking for Stilton".


avapaige1234 19

I feel your pain, I mean, pleasure OP.

Baby, imma gonna tear you apart like string mozzarella!

Hey.. If you're gunna do it, do it right. Right?

If his mom gets pissed about him doing laundry the day after she did it, all he has to say is "I spilled some nacho cheese on it."

That has always been my favorite Mac N' Cheese so, I'm not going to judge you. But I am going to say your FML was ******* hilarious.

I have a friend who gets turned on by Brownies, it's normal.

There is already one like this about bacon.