By vanguardwiley - 24/07/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I woke up from the worst nightmare I've ever had. After tearfully explaining to my boyfriend, in detail, how bad this dream was, he told me to "put on my big girl panties" and make him breakfast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 766
You deserved it 13 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't it ironic how he tells YOU to grow up, yet he wants someone to go cook him breakfast like he's a little kid who needs his mommy to do things for him. If anyone needs to grow up, it's your immature, insensitive 5 year old boyfriend.

abandonship 3

tell him to make his own damn breakfast!


sparrowhawk_fml 0

Well i bet you say you hate it now, but if your boyfriend didn't then you probably would be at least slightly offended

that is probably the stupidest thing he couldve said. dump him for being so stupid

WOW, that FML has created quite a bit of controversey. Standard issue procedure, women winges, man doesnt understand/care, man is hungry. To the guy in this FML, your a legend.

Felium 0

lol da funnny thing is this got supah complacated

Hahahahahaha!!! your boyfriend is a beast!!! u should have given him head after a line like that

ugh. i know how u feel girly. my boyfriend always tells me to "put on ur big girl panties and get over it". conclusion: some men just don't always think. it's nothing personal.

HAHAHAAAA thats the funniest thing i have ever heard!!!

raymm 1

Harsh comments against OP. No compassion.