By Anonymous - 11/06/2014 22:20 - United States - Barnhart

Today, I woke up screaming like a little bitch. I'd been having a bizarre dream where I was having sex with Homer Simpson, when he suddenly had a heart attack and fell on me, crushing me to death. I think my brain needs a douching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 640
You deserved it 8 171

Same thing different taste


FrancesShiver 20

"Screaming like a little bitch" oh god hahahshsh!

No only your creepy actions need that

hahahahahhHahaha been watching too much Simpsons?! doh !

tessybear19 8

That is a pretty messed up dream, dude.

Homer homed in on his target and with perfect accuracy struck out

time to cut back on the cartoon sitcoms :)

Axel5238 29

Have you been looking at Simpsons hentai? Why would bright yellow cartoons or any cartoon come into you sex dreams? When Homer died on you in your dream did he yell " Help me Jebus!" before he died?

This is a " Shrek is love, Shrek is life " scenario.... Doubt you'll ever be able to watch The Simpsons again

Homer Simpson?....Well I guess the heart want's what it want's.