By Anonymous - 11/06/2014 22:20 - United States - Barnhart

Today, I woke up screaming like a little bitch. I'd been having a bizarre dream where I was having sex with Homer Simpson, when he suddenly had a heart attack and fell on me, crushing me to death. I think my brain needs a douching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 640
You deserved it 8 171

Same thing different taste


daisylokes 16

eating late causes bizzare dreams. I bet you been eating late...

Im sorry but the visual i just got is hilarious lol

billie_joann 10

I think you should talk to your daughter about what her priorities should be, OP. At 9 years old, boys shouldn't be on her mind, get her in a sport or something.

billie_joann 10

This is OP's dream. Not a 9 year old girl. Check the previous FML

pjsmamasan 10

I think this is the wrong FML Lol

#18 , #20 , #21 she made it clear that she had commented on the wrong post. No need to keep on talking about it.

I noticed that as soon as I posted it. it takes a second for the page to refresh so when I saw it originally, there was nothing said. Sorry

tehdarkness 21

Wait... You're telling me you don't find fat, yellow, balding men with a love of donuts sexy? What's wrong with you?

ycuewinmhtwoslaott (You can use entire words, it's not massively hard to write out seven letters as opposed to two)

marieeecc 9

Thanks for the advice, who knew that people could write out full words!

PresidentNorth 16

Was that supposed to be WTF? Otherwise I am stumped