By Anonymous - 11/06/2014 22:20 - United States - Barnhart

Today, I woke up screaming like a little bitch. I'd been having a bizarre dream where I was having sex with Homer Simpson, when he suddenly had a heart attack and fell on me, crushing me to death. I think my brain needs a douching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 640
You deserved it 8 171

Same thing different taste


The OP should be ashamed of herself for dreaming this. Homer would never cheat on Marge and we all know it.

Bet you'll never look at bananas the same way again.

Were u high before sleep?? Probably acid..

ravens42 8

I wish u had dreams like that

Drfucked 9

No, your brain needs purging.

llamaslikesoda 21

It's alright unless you had an ******.

This would have been so much better if OP was a dude. But it's still funny as ****.

WD_Stevens 22

I saw a film once - I think it was Japanese - about this family running a hotel and a sumo wrestler came to stay with his girlfriend. The next morning they found him dead face-down on his bed and no sign of his girlfriend. When they went to lift his body up they found his girlfriend underneath him, suffocated after he had a heart attack while they were having sex