By Anonymous - 28/06/2013 18:07 - Egypt - Cairo

Today, I woke up to a flooded basement. That basement is my bedroom, so I'm completely surrounded by water. All I need is a tiger and this would be like The Life of Pi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 687
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you already have a zebra, and orangutan in your room? Lol


KiddNYC1O 20
cottoncandymango 17

This is the most epic FML ever.

Trisha_aus 15

I think “be my baby's daddy” one is still at the top. This isn't exactly “epic”.

TheDrifter 23

I'd have gone for fear and loathing in Las Vegas, but life of Pi works.

Let the sound of the crashing waves lull you to sleep.

theworldisflat 8

Well hey now you have that water bed you've always wanted OP! :) still that sucks hope you can salvage a lot and nothing was damaged too badly

KiddoKS 19

The situation sucks. As a "small" consolation, I can tell you that you'll get a new room from your insurance company. As long as your pics and other sentimental type stuff was high enough, the rest can be replaced. Keep your head up... don't stop treading water.

I'm afraid it'd be a bit more difficult as we usually don't use this type of insurance in Egypt...

pwnman 33

Well you also need to name the tiger Richard Parker.

You can also just go back to sleep and hope it's all a bad dream? Lol

this is why you should always sleep on an "air mattress" OP. ;)