By Anonymous - 28/06/2013 18:07 - Egypt - Cairo

Today, I woke up to a flooded basement. That basement is my bedroom, so I'm completely surrounded by water. All I need is a tiger and this would be like The Life of Pi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 687
You deserved it 3 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you already have a zebra, and orangutan in your room? Lol


And now I'm going to jack this because I have some funny (actually horrible) puns to say :D That I want near the top because I am greedy... Well it looks like you are adrift in peril Your situation appears murky Well it appears you are sleeping with the fishes Did you wet your bed?

Soooo... you already have a turban, a boat and a thirst for adventure? Godspeed.

I hear you on that one I woke up with my car down the street and a lake in my yard, maybe we can go paddle boating together lol

40. Everything you just said was bad and you should feel bad.

MzZombicidal 36

#40, I love how wrong your description is right now.

My life is a story of contradictions good sir, how about yours? Besides you can't win every battle, but isn't it all worth it if you win the war?

Maybe if your boyfriend goes over you two can do some motorboating in all that water...

Okay op that sucks but that was very funny and I expect people to take this the wrong way and down me