By Anonymous - 10/11/2010 16:32 - Argentina

Today, I woke up to find my new roommate staring straight at me. She then went on to say, "I love how you sleep," and continued to stare. I live in a residence off campus and I've already changed roommates twice this year. I'm stuck with a person who stares at me sleep for the next two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 462
You deserved it 3 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uridea 14

tell her you love how she stares haha

Lesbians aren't like the Easter bunny; they do exist.


sounds Luke you're going to have a fun two years, op

TheDrifter 23

Just doesn't look right when it's not autocorrected to iPhone. The capital P just gives it that air of pretentiousness.

blaze_1492 0

You seem cool Is this how you add friends or become friends?

uridea 14

lol you enjoy creepy people staring as you sleep huh?

Yes. your life sucks. indeed. That's just creepy

funzcpl 0

do something creepy back....stand by the bathroom door and say I love how you poop when she comes out

Maybe the creepy roommate would be in to that and then will start pooping with the door open.