By notsurprised - 01/08/2011 12:55 - United States

Today, I woke up to my mom washing the dishes completely naked. Sadly, I was more surprised by the fact she was doing the dishes than the fact that that she was strutting about in her birthday suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 543
You deserved it 3 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

Just be thankful it wasn't your dad... And that you have clean dishes.


hope you learned something from it all. but it could have been worse. it could have been some of your friends that came over to see her like in a previous fml I read

I would be suprised if my mom was doing the dishes as well.

Pretty much it's either FML or study physics. Story of my life.

hurry hurry take pics with your phone and post them on facebook !!

it would have been a nightmare if she was a ugly fat mother

And don't forget, the ass air drying!

Maybe she's a Hipster, 'cause you know clothes are so mainstream.

Nevitt 9

yes its always surprising to see a mom washing dishes... and i bet your not as shocked to see her naked because you probably walked in on your mom and dad Grinding