By oldskoolfun - 26/12/2015 23:04 - United States - Warminster

Today, I woke up to my wife yelling at my 11-year-old because she found porn on the laptop. Now I have to come clean and tell her it was me so I can get him off the hook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 419
You deserved it 10 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're planning to admit to it, most would let the kid take the fall.

Shadowvoid 33

Well I mean the fact that she assumed it was the 11 year old baffles me. Put it in private MODE, no one likes to find **** they weren't supposed to see.


I never understood yelling at a kid for being curious. If it did happen to be the 11 year old, now would be a really great time to talk to him about body autonomy and even more so, consent, and privacy. Not to mention safe sex, and all of things that go along with it. Seems to me that would be an awesome Segway for what most parents find to be uncomfortable to talk about.

What's with moms and ****? Freakin out at an 11 year old. Lord be with that kid.

Wow your poor boy. I at least hope she apologizes to him. Op, may the odds be ever in your favor.

Damn dude. Do you not have your own personal phone or laptop?

I don't see why she'd be mad at you for it, unless you left it open and the kid could have seen it?

You should of waited to post. Because the the real FML will be when you tell your wife it was you. That's the follow up story we all want to hear.

Oh_bother44 11

Most grammatical errors I let slide because I know that I, myself, make mistakes but this one is my biggest pet peeve- it's should'VE... Short for should have. Just a note :)

Geckosrock99 33

When my little brothers were 11, they would save pictures they liked and attempt to hide them in folders. They were using a shared computer after everyone went to sleep, but didn't know about incognito mode. Not all 11 year olds know how to cover their tracks. Good for you, OP, for coming clean.

do you really have to tell her? sure its the RIGHT thing to do, but is it worth it? the simple answer is yes, good for you, you have a conscience

I don't know why she would scream at him because even I didn't know what **** was till I was 14