By GnarCarBar - 12/09/2011 23:03 - United States

Today, I woke up to the feeling of someone tickling my back. I quickly realized I haven't been touched in so long that I was smiling to flies landing on me in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 784
You deserved it 4 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Catch them and tie a little rope around their legs and u can eventually train them to love u, maybe.


dadof2 4

umm first thing close your windows or get screens one fly mabe flies dirty and shower man try to help your own cause

that's just plan...depressing. hah fyl or ydi if you're a psycho.

WitchyArmyWife00 0

At least the flies gave you some love.

CiaranPM 0

Taking a shower just might help.

creedaddict 9

Yeah, sounds like a shower and a fly strip are in order...