By Rosie - 13/06/2012 16:07 - Germany - Wesel

Today, I woke up to the sight of my boyfriend playing a game on my iPhone with his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 382
You deserved it 5 246

Same thing different taste


Maybe he got bored waiting for you to work on the morning wood

Lol! Now I want to know what he was playing... I'd be impressed if it was Angry Birds or Infinity Blade or something :P

Was he winning? This is only an fml if he beat your high score.

You mean the one you put against your face daily?

Lol! He is the first one to invent a joystick for iPhone. U should be proud

iPhone? Get a bigger boyfriend, one that can "doodle" his noodle on an iPad.

If you can't see the concert use his head as a foot rest.

jayfreeman80 0

WOW - he must have a tiny, thin dick if he can effectively hit buttons on your iPhone