By Anonymous - 28/10/2015 15:09 - United States

Today, I woke up to the sound of footsteps outside my room. I investigated but found nothing. As I went back to my room, I heard a sort of giggling from inside. I was so scared, I grabbed my car keys, got the fuck out of there, and drove to my girlfriend's house in my pajamas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 637
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dontlookman 20

At least you got out instead of wasting time setting up cameras waiting for proof your house is haunted

Chucky is waiting. Or one of those blasted Furbies. I swear they only exist to suck the souls out of the living.


You, my friend, would survive a horror movie.

**** that, I'd get the **** out of there too. Tf.

You've simply made the greatest choice of your life, instead of ending up in some horror movie

Turn on a fan on high to drown out any noises!

Oh what if your girlfriend snuck up on you to give you a surprise and you're at her place?

tayfray7 10

Shit, I would have done the same

So you're phone is incapable of calling 911

"Yes hello police there is a ghost in my house. Please send backup."