By hotride - 15/12/2010 16:34

Today, I woke up to the sound of sirens. My ex-girlfriend, who I had broken up with the day before, had set my car on fire. I had just finished restoring it. I was going to insure it today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 812
You deserved it 6 500

jd7546 tells us more.

I had just started restoring it when I got it, and nobody would insure it when I got it. it looked like a junkyard heap of shit, I just got it back the day before I broke up with her. still have the burnt up shell in my drive way that I have to dispose of :(

Top comments

Hump_Zilla 0

prosecute her...sue...for value of car...if you just finished restoring it I'm sure you van het receipts to help fight your case

dougierocks 13

Can you prove it? will you prosecute her? it'll keep her outta your hair for a while..


gelica87: Nope. You never **** with a man's car.

Sue for damages, and emotional pain (I think you would be pretty attached to it)

file for arson! you wont need to pay for repair

bubbarific 0
gitarex 4
Rdrgz 0

OMG!! What a psycho bi*ch Im sorry dude

Not really an FML since you can press criminal charges AND sue your cunty ex for everything that she's worth!

That is unless they can't actually prove it was her. In which case he is S.O.L.

That's the beauty of modern forensics. Time to get Gil Grissom and CSI on the case! :P

flodezie 0

hey that's not as bad as when Left Eye(R.I.P.) burnt Andre Rison's MANSION down!!