By Anonymous - 05/08/2010 20:30 - United States

Today, I woke up to the sound of something hitting my bedroom wall outside. I could see my boyfriend's car from the window, so I assumed he was throwing pebbles to get my attention. I opened the window and an egg flew in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 551
You deserved it 4 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I guess if it could fly, that egg was mostly hatched! The visual of an egg with flapping wings made me laugh, so I thought I'd share.

oops. I couldn't find any pebbles so thought eggs would be a good substitute.


Imyourstar15 0

you should be happy he wasted an egg on you.

lol yah no kidding..why is she complaining?!.. :D

Agreed if he got eggs to give out like that I'll take some. Mmm mmm mmm unfertilized chicken placenta scrambled with cheese and bacon and stuff.

perdix 29

She's wasting an egg on him every month.

misstamz 0

lol he's trying to tell u something:)

ooh flying eggs! how exciting! and...I think I'm in love with you, 18....hehe

Don't see how this could be a YDI. But whatever. Its a shame to what happened OP. I feel sorry for your house! D: #10 - She said she heard something hit her wall..not window. Lol. :P

Still eggs and pebbles sound very different...

foxy1222 0

maybe it was boyfriends other girlfriend.

alvidal08 0

wow wtf ? dumbass , deadass.

That really sucks. I'd go throw eggs back at his window. Or actual pebbles. Pebbles being rocks. Or duct tape. The irony. Sorry though, OP. Hope everything is okay-ish.