By CantBlink - 16/07/2012 18:25 - United States - Jersey City

Today, I woke up with a pimple on my eyelid. Not only is it impossible to cover up with makeup, I can't pop it either. Now I'll be spending the rest of the day trying not to blink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 693
You deserved it 2 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay by the end of the day you'll have broken some kind of guiness worded record for the longest held stare as well as creeped the shit out of everyone around you :)

Good idea! When in doubt, poke your eye with a needle.


dancgal 1

Try holding a hot wet towel against it. Trust me. Sounds weird but it helps those annoying pimples to go down.

Actually, alternating between washcloths soaked in warm water and cold water help them go down quicker =]

For me, that brings them out faster. But then you can pop them sooner so it works out.

mowmowlife 21

Glue rhinestones on your eyelids. You'll be the new pop sensation. (haaaah)

Eyepatch. You could totally pull off a pirate look, it's practical for covering the spot and it could be fun!

KiddNYC1O 20

Ooohhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Op square pants!

41 Spongebob was not a pirate. Just the dude who sang the theme song.

KiddNYC1O 20

A pimple on your lip is worse, you taste it too

xXxIracebethxXx 14

ON the lip? Would that not be a coldsore? Or herpes?

Katy326 10

No it's not a cold sore. I've had them on the edge of my lip before. But tasting it? Thats f-ing disgusting!! I've never tasted them before!! =p

toenibbler 14

Cold sores are actually a mild strain of herpes.

I read this while eating clam chowder..

43, Does any type of blemish on the lip just automatically mean a cold sore to you? Canker sore on the inside of your lip???? Must be herpes.

A sore on your lip isn't automatically herpes is could be a cold sore or a fever blister. It will go away in about a week in a half if it is. Idk about herpes

69 eating clam chowder you say? Just what did you mean by that ? ;)

Pretty sure it is NOT impossibble to pop a pimple on your eyelid...unless it isn't even a pimple.

ChubbyNicki 6

Eyeshadow works for those.... It's really not hard

koolkat27 13

Its a stye. Dont try to pop it. Apply warm compresses for like 10 mins a few times a day and it will go away on its own.

drarmstrong 8

Finally, some decent advice.

Maybe you've created a new style, don't be that sad!