By AJShow80 - 13/04/2009 08:51 - United States

Today, I won 20 dollars on a lotto scratch off. My friend, pissed, makes me split the money, saying it was collateral for the gas money used to get us there. He then used his 10 dollars on a scratch off, and won 500 dollars. The jackass wouldn't split it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 123 253
You deserved it 18 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kissothis 6

"friend"? **** that. he could have given you SOMETHING... $500 is enough to hand at least $50 over... unless he was in dire need for that financially.

What a douche. Somebody who throws some shitty hissyfits over ten bucks is the kind of asshole I would distance myself from immediately.


lol i'd split anything i win if my friends were with me. it'll make everyone happy

njhockey 0

obviously not a good friend. at the very least he could have bought you a free lunch with the 500 or something.

funkycloud7137 0

Whatever he buys, either take it or **** it up. You know you want to.

MikeG93 0

yes #55 or.....sneak out in the middle of the night and cut his brake just sayin it was b.s. i take my friends out to eat all the time and give rides town to town and never expect to see money back if i would of won i would of split it because it wasnt my money to begin with

crowdish 0

I hope he's not your friend anymore. What a douche. Everyone who is saying that he had a valid reason to demand money out of you but you didn't is also a douche. He basically guilt tripped you into giving him money that he didn't deserve because he's a jealous bitch, then used your money, which he wouldn't have had if he hadn't bullied it out of you, to win.

Vinatierri 0

#13 you're forgetting ignition costs. Rule of thumb each ignition consumes about 15 minutes worth of highway driving. 65 miles in an hour (65 mph, stated highway speed) would consume about 3 gallons worth of fuel for a 22mpg vehicle, a fourth of that would be .75 gallons, or $1.34. So it'd be $1.34 in addition to the $1.79 of gas consumed in transit, = $3.13. Which is still insignificant. Conclusion: Your friend's a douchebag. Shouldn't have charged you for gas, but if necessary, should have give you a token amount of winnings, at LEAST $10 back. People who analyze this shit and say you had to pay him for gas but he had no reason to pay you are looking at this from a business perspective. This is such an American attitude, I strongly suspect that in Europe and Latin America friends aren't such tight-asses with one-another.

yeahreally 6

what a piece of shit "friend":

sharpie36 0

#57 something about that is very flawed. You really think it takes three-quarters of a gallon to start 22mpg engine? That's a ridiculous amount of fuel, there's no way that's even close to realistic. If it were, I could fill my tank, go out to my car and start it then turn it back off about 25 times, without driving anywhere, and be out of gas. I start my car way more than 25 times between fill-ups, and put a few hundred miles on it just for good measure.

tiltwrestler 0

Dude, two important things: 1)at least ask him for a 10 or a 20, to pay back what you gave him! 2) get lotto tickets at that gas station more often!!!!

#57 lol you're a moron. #60 owned you with logic. As for the OP, steal it. All 500. Then, you get 500 bucks and you lose a shitty friend. Win/Win for you! Unless your goal was ONLY to buy yourself a scratch and win ticket, he shouldn't have charged you 10 bucks. That right there is enough to show he's a bad friend.

#57 - It's a couple of minutes at most, according to cartalk. If it were even that much, hybrid cars would not turn off the engine at a stop light.

DirtyJerzey8083 7

YOU'RE ALL MISSING THE FLIPPING POINT HERE! WHO THE EFF GIVES A CRAP ABOUT GAS MILEAGE! His doucgebag friend got jealous and demanded a mere $10 dollars of the OP's $20 winnings. Then with his friends money bought a ticket that hit for $500!!!!! every bone in my body is screaming the logic that he OWES his freind half based on the same friggin principle he used. pay me for the ride....well pay me for the money it cost you to buy that ticket in the first place, you got half...i want half. who gives a shit about the gas at this point, really. if he refused i would have punched him and taken the ticket as i said before. and if he hid the ticket because he anticipated id do this and i was unable to steal it...well then i'd simply wait till that MOFO fell asleep and then do a minimum of $500 of damage to his precious automobile ;) cant be a winner if your deductable costs more than you won ;)