By Noname - 19/01/2009 10:26 - Canada

Today, I won $5000 dollars from a lottery ticket and tried giving the man next to me a high five. He had no hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 194
You deserved it 10 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope you gave him the money to buy himself some hands. but i bet you didn't. selfish.

cbahh 0

This made me laugh for 3 whole minutes.


Why is this FYL?? You have $5000 AND hands.

gukinator 0

clearly this entire thread is made of /b/tards cuz normal people feel bad at a situation like that

"Oh **** me! Oh, I made a small social faux pas with a person I never have to meet with or interact with again! Damn me and my terrible luck. I wish I had never been cursed with this free money."

inlimbo11 0

bullshit. fyl for making up something this stupid.

wtf. you just won 5 grand AND there's someone physically less fortunate than you. how is your life screwed up in any way? go **** yourself.

woooow how is that an FML? if anything its a f HIS life.. dumbass

i hope you gave him the money to buy himself some hands. but i bet you didn't. selfish.

Ha d00d i just pissed my self laughing I could see that happing