By Noname - 19/01/2009 10:26 - Canada

Today, I won $5000 dollars from a lottery ticket and tried giving the man next to me a high five. He had no hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 194
You deserved it 10 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope you gave him the money to buy himself some hands. but i bet you didn't. selfish.

cbahh 0

This made me laugh for 3 whole minutes.


ROTFLMAO! that sounds like a cyanide and happiness comic! oh man im a terrible person... HHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

None of the cyanide ande happiness characters have hands :P

WHAT!!!!!??? you just won five grand and your complaining because of a minor embarrasment?????

jjcooper 0

how is that an FML? You won $5,000 for God's sake!!

Enoch134 0

should buy the guy a hook and a beer lol

this is more like my life is awesome but I did a dumb thing

lidomissmango 0

shut up you won 5 grand. be ******* happy

roflmaker 0

not rly an fml. u got 5k in ur pocket now ad all he will do is be mad at you

soooo, you got 5k richer and had a tiny embarrassing moment? my pity is so low the devil just saw it swoop under his feet