By seablue - 11/06/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, I wrote a poem for this guy I am falling for. Before telling him that I wrote it, he read it and then laughed at how "corny and stupid" it was because he would "never date someone who could come up with something that lame." The poem was about how vulnerable he makes me feel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 333
You deserved it 16 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's cool that you had the guts to gave him a poem you wrote yourself, but you really shouldn't write about how vulnerable someone makes you feel. And they're a little overdone, making them even more corny. Not everyone appreciates poetry though.

ZiggyMorrison 0

most guys dont like poems specially love poems you should have just told him how you felt its not that hard


Your eyes are like diamonds, Your ears are like cookies, And everytime i look at you i want to think of blueberrys.. lol

nagewin 0

do you see now why you shouldn't like him?

I want to lurk this FML just to see if the OP responds now.

nice 1 you're feeling volnurable so what do u do? ah yes post it on FML YDI for a poor train of thought

awwwww that's so sweet! i would have loved it if a girl had the guts to write me a poem, it's too bad your crush is such a dick =(

In his position I would have said the exact same thing. And I'm a girl.

Old trick of the females. Guess he sensed you were sending him a signal. Males do not know what honesty and direct confrontation mean.

Pharmacyst 0

He clearly was able to read between the lines and figured out that the poem was from you to him. This is evident from the fact that he said "I would never DATE someone who..." This was his way of telling you that he is not interested in you. Its time for you to move on.

AntiChrist7 0
ultraslick 0

was this your boyfriend or just a guy you like? If it's the latter, a poem about how vulnerable he makes you feel has a serious stalker taste to it. In the future, don't write a guy a poem unless you know he's a poetry type of guy. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for a fail