By seablue - 11/06/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, I wrote a poem for this guy I am falling for. Before telling him that I wrote it, he read it and then laughed at how "corny and stupid" it was because he would "never date someone who could come up with something that lame." The poem was about how vulnerable he makes me feel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 333
You deserved it 16 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's cool that you had the guts to gave him a poem you wrote yourself, but you really shouldn't write about how vulnerable someone makes you feel. And they're a little overdone, making them even more corny. Not everyone appreciates poetry though.

ZiggyMorrison 0

most guys dont like poems specially love poems you should have just told him how you felt its not that hard


Lay off, squares. So she felt the need to express herself through poetry. Who gives a flying ****? And no, all men YOU know don't like poetry. I really with you fannies would learn to speak for yourselves.

youaresofucked 0

if a girl wrote me a poem i'd be creeped the **** out... when a girl writes one it seems like their obsessing a littttlllee to much over you happens :P ...every girl is a bitch sometimes...and every guy is an asshole sometimes. (total side note, but to the 'about me' in your profile....its the imperfections that makes something wonderful :) ) can you equate poetry with obsession? feelings, yeah. passion, sure. but, just because someone decides to express themselves in some way other than gossiping with their friends or outright telling doesnt mean their obsessing. maybe shes just awkward in some social situations (which seems so from her approach to the whole thing) and poetry was her way of dealing with it.


My best advice after years of falling in love with jerks: BELIEVE them when they tell you something like that (or that they don't want to get married, have children etc etc) and then run the other way. Lucky you, he laid his cards on the table at once.

...i'm getting really tired of seeing all of these FMLs about rejection from people's crushes. Sorry but aren't the confirmed FMLs supposed to be a lot more varied???

mimblewimble_fml 0

It probably really was a really bad and corny poem. Try not to be so cheesy next time and do something that's NOT dripping in sappy love comments.

He just doesn't understand poetry or heartfelt creative writing, doesn't seem that compatible to you.

whatev5297 0

did you actually think that writing a love poem for a guy you arent even dating was going to make him like you? i've never had a boyfriend and even i dont think that would work. maybe its because im not writing them love poems about how vulnerable they make me feel though. perhaps thats my problem.

sjm12392 0

alright. i just wanna say that not every guy out there agrees with #3. i myself would personally be flatterd to have poetry written about me. it wouldnt necessarily make me fall for you, but it would be well appreciated. not every guys an asshole.