By Anonymous - 04/10/2012 15:17 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I yet again had to explain to my boyfriend that, yes, I can get pregnant even if I don't actually have an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 052
You deserved it 4 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I could be reading this wrong, but are you saying your boyfriend doesn't make you ******? If so, definitely FYL.


I think that is just an excuse for him being selfish and cannot do his job. Either that or you're really young?

No idea why this is getting negative votes. I think this is exactly what's happening.

I have come to the conclusion that once something is down voted, everyone goes along with it (sometimes without reading) and wants to be like everyone instead of having an opinion of their own. Eh you win some, you lose some. Whatever, but thank you.

I would love to hear your boyfriend's theory on how women actually get pregnant.

unknown_user5566 26

I hope his theory it's like the Family Guy cutaway where the stork impregnates the woman.

unknown_user5566 26

I wouldn't be surprised if he thought that's how it actually happens.

rebel_belle1974 5

if that were true than the human race would've died out a long time ago

Well you can get pregnant even if he doesn't ******/ejaculate. Lol. (Precum has enough sperms that can potentially cause fertilization). So ask him to wear the poncho. If he doesn't change, let him continue to believe it and some day some other girl will convince him and until then go on the pill. ;)

agonydrum 7

That's not true, Precum by itself contains no sperm at all, it comes from a tiny organ forward of the prostate and serves to lubricate and "clean out" the urethra, the only time Precum will contain sperm is if it is picked up along the way, that sperm will also likely be dead, the reason people believe they get pregnant from precum is because the guy convinces himself that he pulled out in time when in fact did not,

challan 19

A woman's ****** causes her ****** to contract and help pull the sperm to the egg, creating a better chance of conception. However, many swimmers have made it there with no female enjoyment. Sad, but true.

Reminds me of a cartoon I saw. One sperm tells the other "gee I'm getting tired, how much farther?" the other one says "still a long way, we haven't even passed through the esophagus yet."

Schizomaniac 24

1) Ask him if the refrigerator light REALLY goes off when the door closes. 2) Enjoy countless hours of entertainment.

*psssssst* There's a button that's pressed when the fridge door is closed that turns the light off...but you didn't hear that from me. ;)

If your boyfriend is that ignorant to biology maybe you shouldn't be having sex with him. He obviously doesn't understand the basics of reproduction; to me that means he isn't someone who should reproduce. There's enough stupid people in this world.

So let me get this straight. He thought making sure you're NOT sexual satisfied is a new form of birth control? I bet he's not the only one that thinks that.

olpally 32

Good lord... There's no cure for that guy's stupidity if you've had to tell him this more than once... He reminds me of Chris on family guy. Total moron...