By smh - 13/05/2012 22:30 - United States - Sacramento

Today, if you live in California, you might have seen a crazy drunk guy naked in front of a McDonald's, waving at everyone. Yeah, that was probably me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 259
You deserved it 36 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ouch. Maybe next time don't drink so much.

pinkpixie06 11

California has the BEST street performers!

I'll believe you on this, but please tell me the OP isn't one of them!

I SAW YOU Well, I saw your belly at least. It's so fat I could see it from over here in England ;)

kandi_kid69 15

Was that supposed to be funny...?

English ppl have a weird sense of humor

AliceLockehart 18

Their username is "TrippingOnAcid" Chances are, anythings funny to them. Even if it's not.

408trancejunkie 3

For the same reason you are not. He wasn't caught.

That's why I never go to McDonalds, they sometimes slip something in your drink

That's so weird. I actually saw that yesterday..

was there nobody who said "that's totally gonna be on youtube duuude" ?