By smh - 13/05/2012 22:30 - United States - Sacramento

Today, if you live in California, you might have seen a crazy drunk guy naked in front of a McDonald's, waving at everyone. Yeah, that was probably me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 259
You deserved it 36 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Dusty_Busters 15
nklishko28 1

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha omg no way I think I saw yo ass!!!!!

Oh! You were the one with a tiny winy thingy

That depends on what made you the crazy,drunk and naked part...

chels1994 11

Can't control yourself when you drink alchohol very well, can you?

relax california is a pretty big state im sure not all of cali has seen you drunk naked and wavig in front of mcdonalds

perdix 29

I saw you! I just thought you were the Cali version of Ronald McDonald pumping the McNuggets.