By girlshavepenises - 28/06/2011 06:39 - New Zealand

Today, in science, we were studying reproduction. Our teacher was reading out the notes and claimed that 'the female's penis stiffens to enter the male's vagina.' I'm supposed to be learning stuff from this woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 388
You deserved it 4 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's pretty funny. someone obviously didn't pass sex ed

enonymous 8

Wait... It doesn't?!? all these years I've been doing it wrong


give her/him a break, obvs they actually know the material

lmao! I'm like 98% sure it's health class not science...

theslyfox72 3
jewyjenny 3

Wait!? I'm supposed to have a penis?? Gah!! (Totally kidding)

xoxo_Zoe_xoxo 5

Unless I have this whole anatomy thing mixed up, your teacher is very, very wrong...

To all the idiots, the teacher probably meant the female's ******** as it acts like a penis, and is sometimes referred as a female penis.

eharmonee 0

Good job trying to sound smart.......

hahhahahahaahaha that's hilaroious! I would have put up my hand and asked if his ******** is just as sensitive as her penis ;)

jerilyn333a 0

maybe she's a hermaphrodite and she thinks all the ladies have penis's

maybe she was drunk or high....mayyyybbeeee