By FattyMcFatterson - 24/06/2009 02:37 - United States
Top comments
Lol Thats Funny
For the poster above saying that fit people can get a dime stuck to them as well: only if you apply some glue to the skin, or they encounter a cloth barrier in their trip to gravity. No ton of sweat can do that. Sorry to burst your bubble ^^. OP: if you are so disturbed by this, as your nickname also suggests, then it's time to do something about it: not fad diets, but healthy eating *forever* plus a more active lifestyle. Just beating a dead horse, I know
ever put a coin in your bra? it sticks to your boob after you take your bra off. betch.
#84 pics or it doesnt happen.
Yah, I always put money in my bra, then forget about it until I take it off.
ive had that happen to me after taking off a bra lol i've found like dollars and even a twenty once 0.o
be funny if you were at the store and pulled some loose change to pay lol I'd gag.
OK that was gross. LOL 22,
fat man eat a burger or 14
Wow, this isn't a FML at all! You just found an alternative to putting all your money in the bank - you lucky bastard! Well done for making a profit while you showered, fatty.
Shut up and stop saying FML's arent FML's.
Go for a run, imagine what might fall out of your fat :D
that's sad