By FattyMcFatterson - 24/06/2009 02:37 - United States

Today, in the shower, a dime fell on my foot. The only place it could have come from? One of my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 235

Top comments


neokiller_fml 0

Can I sleep under your fat? I just need something to worm me it's always so cold ;0

tab_ga1990 0
Kttttt 0

Well if you have fat folds, at least wash them. But thanks, Reading this inspired me to do 150 sit ups.

Too bad that situps won't have practically any effect on your fat. You can do as many situps as you want but you still can't get flat stomach (or sixpack) without right diet and enough (fat burning) exercise.

lilcuti3pi389 0

it will give u a flat stomach if you already are not fat. duh

If you already aren't fat then most likely you have a flat stomach. All situps will do is strengthen and grow your ab muscles, i.e. make them bigger. If you want to either have your abs more visible or have flat stomach, the situps won't help, but you need to lose the fat between them and the skin instead.

Today, I realized I'm fat. I then proceeded to write a post on FML crying about being fat, but decided not to actually do anything to change the situation. FML. Your life must be so hard, fatty. If you don't like being fat why don't you try to do something to change it? And if you don't try, why do you cry on FML?

DeadMansCrack 4
curryndricegirll 0

If you're anorexic, then eat some food and stop complaining about it. Yeah, you're an idiot.

rauj13 0

if you sleep with coins in your pocket and they fall out, and you then proceed to sleep on said coins, they can attatch to your skin. I saw 25 cents stuck to my arm. Just sitting of the inside of my arm. It wasn't stuck in a roll. Don't be so hard on yourself, and **** the people telling you to change.

BeQuickOrBeDead_fml 0

Ditto :D Hahaha one time, all my money fell out of my jacket pocket while I was sleeping and I woke up with 3 quarters and a dollar stuck to my face/forehead lol....

The point is rather that she HAS rolls of fat in which to potentially deposit a dime. She is unhealthily and disgustingly fat.

hhhhh_fml 1
neokiller_fml 0

#66 that's nasty you fat bitch..

To be clear, the same thing (as #66 described) has happened to me. And I'm a size 4. So yes.. you're an idiot.

bco12 0

I guess you really never know where your money has been...