By FattyMcFatterson - 24/06/2009 02:37 - United States

Today, in the shower, a dime fell on my foot. The only place it could have come from? One of my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 235

Top comments


wow, you folks should be ashamed of yourselves.(above posters).he is overweight and could have been sweaty and a dime just happened to stick to him.big can happy to an underweight or right-fit person.this is how i see it. if you are "fat" and arent doing anything about it than you TRULY dont mind it as much as you think.if you do, then you would work to get some pounds off.until, just be yourself and love you for you.

stephaniepopatia 0

clearly it states that it was under his fat rolls so STFU and read better

tonia_fml 0

agreed. OP did in fact CLEARLY state it was in a fat roll

Why is everyone calling the OP a guy, when it says (woman)..?

tab_ga1990 0

They said it was from one of their fat rolls and put it as a FML so sorta means they are fat they might not be huge! but if they wernt fat then they wouldnt of put a FML for a dime getting suck in one of their fat rolls

clearly the weight bothers them, cause otherwise they wouldnt be posting the story on "**** my life"....hmmmm. and you should be ashamed of yourself for assuming its that easy for an out of shape person to just work out. Some people struggle to do it, that's how they end up overweight (some people)

Do normal sized people generally have fat rolls things can get stuck in?

lilcuti3pi389 0

why should we be ashamed? if she doesn't want people commenting, she shouldn't post it. maybe u should get a sense of humor, because everyone else thought it was funny, me included :)

Ur probably fat, I can tell. Protecting your own kind, eh?

Uhm no, a dime would never get stuck in my stomach.

lol showers. i really cant judge the fat guy on this one. if you're spoiled and self-indulgent then i have no pity.

davedangerous 0

so self indulgent she put a dime in her fat roll?

Sir_Patrick 0

More convenient than a bank!

that's really pathetic, lose some weight. the REALLY sad thing is is that this is too pathetic to make up.

curryndricegirll 0

For all the people saying YDI, because apparently the OP is too lazy to exercise or have self control, next time another anorexic person posts (which always happens) about being self-conscious or something, I will say YDI because they're too effing lazy to eat. And for bulimics, for being too impatient to let digestion take its place. Yeah, that's how stupid you guys sound.

those are things that are hard to control. to loose weight he can just walk aeoud a block 2 times a day. it's that easy

Most people aren't fat because of a disease that they can't control (like anorexia or bulimia, which by the way have nothing to do with laziness or impatience.) Yes, some are, but most fat people just overeat and don't exercise. Then they complain about being fat. (???) If the OP had a disease that made her fat, it wouldn't be a very good FML, or she would at least mention that she had a disease. Seeing as neither of those things happened, it's pretty safe to assume that she's just fat because she doesn't take care of her body, or out of laziness. Anorexia and bulimia are actual psychological diseases, not just the result of being too "lazy" to eat.

Not all people can be skinny even without a disease. Being overweight isn't unhealthy in a lot of cases, because their body's natural and completely normal weight is what a judging society calls overweight, making them self conscious and becoming unhealthy by starving themselves to become just a bit closer to impossible perfection portrayed by photoshop

lmao @OP maybe you should stop complaining on the internet and go do something about your fatass? hmm?

Uh, lose some weight? It's not that complicated.

waterynuggets 0

Gives new meaning to fat deposit, eh?