By Anonymous - 13/02/2014 15:20 - United States - Reno

Today, in the very middle of the night, my kitten started rubbing against my face. Thinking I saw her face in the darkness, I decided to kiss her before going back to bed. My lips made contact with her butthole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 285
You deserved it 19 008

Same thing different taste


Oh man. That's so unfortunate op, now go wash your mouth out hahaha!

I've been laughing for about thirty minutes now.

TallMist 32

Unless the OP licked his/her lips after kissing the cat's butthole or got cat shit in his/her mouth, there's no real need to clean his/her teeth over this. Just wash out the lips.

To be fair, her face probably wouldn't be much cleaner considering how they "wipe".

upallnight11 19

So many dumb comments on this FML, smh.

beaverteaser 16