By Will this stupid fad ever end? - 06/03/2013 11:51 - United States

Today, instead of actually teaching us something, our college professor excitedly showed us the godawful Harlem Shake video he made with his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 647
You deserved it 4 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you are what is wrong with this world...

TwoOneFive 11

Harlem shake is annoying as shit


flockz 19

those videos last thirty seconds. check your texts or something.

flockz 19

oh please. i'm in college, so don't try to preach how expensive it is. a Harlem Shake video is thirty seconds long, so it's not a huge deal like everyone is making it out to be, no matter how stupid they are. if anyone feels like they are being cheated from precious learning time because they have to watch one, then they need to take the stick out of their ass and spend that time doing something else.

hamrtym 15

The average kid will spend 10 minutes not paying attention, check their phone, day dreaming, looking at a hot girl/boy, going to the bathroom, taking notes but not listening, listening but not taking notes, checking their backpack for a different color highlighter, talking to their etc. But you wanna bitch over 30 seconds. Show up to office hours 30 sec early and stfu.

Ahh, I remember when 6 months ago we were all complaining about Gangnam Style. Times change, but not much.

"HURR DURR WATS GANGNAM STYLE???!!!1" - most people today.

Next he'll show you his song with goats screaming in it. What have we become?

I don't understand the hype over it. The kids graduating from my old high school want to do it during their graduation ceremony.

It's a fad. And honestly, I think it's less annoying than Gangnam style, and since it's only half a minute, the annoyance doesn't last long.

They're gonna look back and think they were really stupid for doing it.

Just like planking. People need to find something better to do with their time.

Except for that one day at band camp. All the seniors started planking during the final days drill.

I hope you taught him the orginal one and not the recent one with the awful trap music.

#81 - to my knowledge, trap music is a rhythmically focused style of music that has been around for years, originally accompanying rap, that has now seen another rise in popularity in the EDM scene, and nowadays it typically sounds a lot like, well, the Harlem Shake, with its heavy sub-bass, synthesized, sped-up and varying snare rolls, various dubbed-in voice clips, the notorious "oi" or "ey" on upbeats, and a zippy-sounding lead melody that may sound obnoxious to those who do not favor the genre. Sorry for the gargantuan sentence.

Change classes? Hurry before he changes it to him and his friends playing with puppets

What's to complain about that's freaking awesome

Be careful, everyone. There's a punctuation thief at large, and it looks like 23 was his first victim.

....Because that's why you're paying to be there, right? :p

I'm confused. Harlem Shake videos are never more than 35 seconds long. I think you need to pull that jagged stick out of your ass.

A shot to the head takes less than a second. Your point?

TwoOneFive 11

27) I agree with you, I don't see why it's such a big deal. I actually find the harlem shake videos amusing, but clearly the majority of the commenters on here hate them with a passion.

Although Harlem Shake has become overdone to the point of being annoying as ****, and as much as I hate it, there does appear I be a "hate everything popular" mentality on FML.

36: You're not the only one. I find some of them hilarious. People on FML jump on hate bandwagons, which is pretty much as bad as jumping on the bandwagon of the fad itself. It's amusing.

How can something be simultaneously a widespread, popular meme, and also "hyper-rejected" by everyone because it's popular? "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."