By Will this stupid fad ever end? - 06/03/2013 11:51 - United States

Today, instead of actually teaching us something, our college professor excitedly showed us the godawful Harlem Shake video he made with his friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 647
You deserved it 4 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you are what is wrong with this world...

TwoOneFive 11

Harlem shake is annoying as shit


fksfsdhfsdfh 26
upallnight11 19

Our college professor let us do the Harlem Shake. Too bad he didn't join us. Be happy to have such a cool professor. He sounds like real fun.

lec17 10

that's better than trying to learn Spanish but all your teacher does is look up harlem shack videos of the day we have major test.

OP- What in the world was the harlem in him shaking you up?

If he showed you that and then proceeded to teach like usual, I don't see a problem. If he spent the whole lesson on that shit, I feel for you.

What do you mean "instead of teaching us"? The Harlem shake is 30 seconds, it couldn't take up a whole class..

doglover100 28

At least it's 30 seconds long. The fads have just gotten stupider over time. I wonder what future generations will say about this generation. You pay a lot of money for them to teach you.

any proffessor who does stupid stuff like that should get all of their degree's taken away and be forced to work at mcdonalds

Are you ******* serious? Maybe its time to pull that stick our of your perfectly bleached ass hole and lighten up god damn it.