By Amberizzle - 26/09/2009 16:43 - United States

Today, it is my three-year-anniversary with my boyfriend. I asked if he had planned anything for us, and he said yes. My parents volunteered to watch our daughter, I got all excited, and apparently our "plans" are to watch a football game. What do I get to do? Make sandwiches. For him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 872
You deserved it 8 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spaceranger33 0

i have to at least commend the guy for staying with you for 3 years and raising a kid with you despite not making any long term commitment like marriage

fbp6277 0

You guys are kind of assholes. She doesn't have to marry the guy to have kids. Marriage isn't right for some people. Just because someone has a kid with someone without getting married doesn't mean the kid is going to be ****** up. It's better to have the people not get married then to get married and always fight around the kid. People should quit being so judgemental.


But... Who the f*ck eat sandwich during football games??

if its the game Florida Gators vs. Kentucky Wildcats... Kentucky is losing badly.. and im from Kentucky.. sorry we suck so badly !


How are you still with that jerk after 3 years?

FINALLY! Someone who actually makes some sammiches.

YDI for not marrying the guy after you have a kid with him. Before, more like it.

fbp6277 0

You guys are kind of assholes. She doesn't have to marry the guy to have kids. Marriage isn't right for some people. Just because someone has a kid with someone without getting married doesn't mean the kid is going to be ****** up. It's better to have the people not get married then to get married and always fight around the kid. People should quit being so judgemental.

JukeboxBunny 0

Ah thank god, finally someone logical and open-minded on this site! I was beginning to lose hope.

You are a ******* RETARD. People DO NOT need to have kids if they aren't both marriage material for each other. For all you liberal ******'s out there; that means having children are a blessing within a marriage.

Ah, I officially love you. Finally someone with brains.

super_jew82 0

Shouldn't you be making the man's sandwiches instead of being on the internet? YDI. Haha.

you guys need to all chill, and relax... if she loves her man then deal with it just because they have a daughter doesn't mean anything.. it just means that they were ready to step forward and have a babby but they might not be ready to a step even farther getting married so everyone relax! last time i checked its not your life its hers so quite being so damn rude!!