By anonomous - 07/02/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, it looks like I may have an STD. My fiancé and his friends went to Vegas two months ago. He says he's been completely faithful. They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Turns out that's not quite true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 029
You deserved it 4 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

softballer22 0

expect for herpes.. that shit will follow you back.

I wouldn't put up with that shit. Dump the jerk.


What a Cyanide and Happiness reference. "Turns out what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas. You have herpes."

what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas except herpes that shit will come back with you

LanaMariee 0

Dont blame yer STD onn Vegas . u shudve bought a condom -.- . sucks to be u :•]

cpatrick820 3

If I read one more Hangover quote, I will shove both thumbs deep in the poster's toaster and dig out ALL the crumbs.

sallen0046 4

Now wait a minute. How can your entire life be ****** by a disease that you're not even positive you have yet? There are several pelvic infections that can "look like" you have an STD that have nothing to do with a cheating fiance and several STDs that you can carry for years before you see the first symptom. Unless you're tested for every single STD/STI in existence every single year, it's entirely possible it has absolutely nothing to do with him. The fact that you've jumped to the immediate conclusion that your fiance is at fault says a lot more about your trust issues than his possible infidelity.

joa76 3

It's possible he's the only person she's ever had sex with, in which case it would be entirely irrelevant how long any STI can be dormant, because she still had to have gotten it from him.

cpatrick820 3

Joa, you still don't take into account the pelvic infections. Also, there's nothing in this FML that says she is the first person the boyfriend/fiance has slept with, in which he could have gotten a STD from a previous relationship without realizing, as it may have laid dormant in him. That's not cheating, that's just unfortunate.

joa76 3

I didn't realize I had to state every single possibility to be allowed to suggest one. Yes, she might not have an STI. But then again, she might. And yes, she might have gotten it from a previous partner. Then again, she may not even have had a previous partner, meaning she knows without a doubt that she got it from him. It could, of course, have been dormant in him, so it's possible he may not have cheated. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible that he did.

joa76 3

(I tried to edit my previous comment to add this, but it didn't work.) Also, I didn't say anything about her being the only person he's had sex with, or about him cheating. I simply stated that if he's the only person she had sex with, she would know that any STI she got would have to be from him.

OP I believe you meant to say "STI" seeing as it's an Sexually Transmited Infection, rather than a disease. Also, there's a wide range of STIs you can get even without having intercourse. Yes, maybe your fiancé did do the dirty in Vegas but maybe you came in contact with AIDS blood or something! or he killed a hooker and got blood on his lips then he kissed you and that's how you got your STI... possible STI

cpatrick820 3

You do realize STI and STD mean almost the same thing, right? Wiki it. STI is basically the new STD, and STD was the new VD. It's all PC.

it's not cheating if you have no memory of it.

"Remember what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you."

cpatrick820 3

Hmmmm, I wonder how many MORE people are gonna be clever and type the "what happens in Vegas..." quote.... Morons.

looks like you've got yourself a keeper there! good luck with a happy and "faithful" marriage.