By Happy 20th! - 28/07/2010 05:48 - United States

Today, it's my 20th birthday! Happy birthday to me! My boyfriend threw a beer can through my back wind-shield after breaking up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 794
You deserved it 4 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BananaSticker 0

I can only hope my 20th birthday is as cool as yours OP. Here's a banana sticker as your birthday present from me, though. :]


oh man. I hate boys. start dating a girl and next year will be better :D

You're lucky he didn't tell you to make him a sammich

That's what set him off in the first place: her terrible sammich-making skillz.

maybe she was on her way to subway, now that would have been harsh

congratz13 2 many birthday stories...

OopsieDaisies 0

This is the third post TODAY about boyfriends ruining bdays.

Immanuel Kant? [edit: damned comment bug got me AGAIN! This was supposed to be a reply to Pendatik's "enough of your cant"]

rear window not windshield!!! harraglglglglydi

AGGoddess 2

If he broke up with you because you cheated on him, then you definitely deserve it. Otherwise, FYL indeed.

chickenhole 0

OP means Obortion Pretzel >:) happy birthday >:D

Yeah, an O'Bortion is when an Irishman terminates a fetus.

"Gonna"?! Don't give in to the horrible spelling/grammar that's so rampant here! NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

you deserve it for dating such a looser. how messed up in the head must YOU be to wind up with a guy like that? Stop smoking and go to college.