By STUPID BIRTHDAY - 05/03/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I'd arranged a dinner party for 20 of my closest friends. I arrived at the restaurant, fully dressed and everything. When I got there, I thought everyone was ready to surprise me, but instead, nobody showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 168
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinaypie 0

maybe you mistakenly gave them the wrong date or place? because I can't imagine all 20 people not showing up!

oh man poor you! especially at a restaurant sitting alone at a table meant for 20, that just makes it worse! I once did a birthday supper a few years back for about 20 people too and every came about 15 - 20 minutes late so I sat alone for 15 minutes thinking no one was going to come! even since then, I always make sure I meet up with one friend before so we can go to the restaurant together lolll


Liveanotherday 0

Dude...that seriously sucks. I'm sorry, maybe they got the time or place wrong? If not I'm sure that you can meet plenty of other friends!

holynemesis1208 3

happy birthday. your friends suck. get drunk and make new ones.


i think it's the best surprise ever! jkjk

aww. go out, get drunk, get some new friends!

cuttybuddy 0

That sucks, hopefully there was just some sort of miscommunication.

OMGyoupeople 0

been there :( sorry. Happy Birthday.

jadzia 0

Ohh, man, that really sucks :( I want to say happy birthday, but how can it be happy when no one showed up! I agree with #10, always plan on getting there with someone else, so you have AT LEAST the one person. I hate showing up places by myself, I try to avoid that as much as possible because one of my worst fears is precisely what happened to you. And hey, if you're ever in SoCal around your bday, I'll come to your dinner! :D

frozen_heart 0

time to get some new friends

That really sucks man , maybe it's about time to for a little clean up on your so called friends... This shit happened to a friend of mine (seriously not me ;) ) , anyway it helped him decide who his real friends were ...