By flowerchildd2 - 12/12/2011 23:17 - United States

By flowerchildd2 - 12/12/2011 23:17 - United States
By pokeballbra - 17/10/2011 05:44 - United States
By Revalation - 27/08/2011 23:06 - United States
By robotchickens - 10/03/2010 19:54 - United States
By ugly - 10/07/2011 06:03 - United States
By anonmys - 18/07/2010 21:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/08/2010 23:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/02/2015 16:05 - United States
By balkangirl94 - 23/12/2011 07:42 - United States
By scarlet - 09/05/2011 15:02 - Canada
By needanewride - 16/11/2012 02:40 - United States - Newton Center
This is one of those times you don"t trust the wise elderly.
This is why I hate the bus I feel sorry for you OP.
This guy in town who rides the city bus in my town everyday always asks the others around him if they "took his gloves", he's crazy. Don't "cool story bro" me. ._.
I knew you couldn't resist.
Probably no one would have actually "cool story bro"ed you either if you hadn't said anything about it.... Then again, I could be overestimating the people of FML...
Cool bro story.
Bro, cool story
Riveting tale, chapsman!
This is one of the few times when public transport is scary.
Wrong. Public transport is always scary.
Yeah, you haven't really lived until a junkie throws a syringe at you on the train.
What's really scary is how the old man knows what it tastes like.
Public transportation FTW
Seems legit...
Well why not? I mean, there's absolutely nothing sketchy about that...besides, he says it tastes good!
Um, that's creepy. I'm glad I walk to school. (Hopefully I didn't jinx that...)
This is one of those times you don"t trust the wise elderly.