By garfwebba - 03/01/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend didn't get me a present. He did, however, get me a card from our cat. He signed it "Have a purrrrfect birthday." Then he left to go to work. I was alone all day long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 482
You deserved it 6 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh noo!!! He was going to work making a living and you were left all alone to do nothing? That's too cruel!

...What? At least he remembered. It's not like he can take a day off just because it's your birthday, you know. The fact that you were alone all day was your own fault, get some friends.


LMAO that might actually be the best thing ever! Your boyfriend is a legend. Tell him I'll gladly pay him for lessons.

Oh wow! From your cat? That's pretty silly. Perhaps he is planning something special, instead of just a little ol' present? But, don't complain that you was alone. People have to work, you'll just to get over it.

Were you really alone? Even the cat left?

No, the cat was with her in bed. It was the only male she ever had in bed.

I see what you did there, humorizer XD

perdix 29

Nice reference, humorizer! :)

tchaf34 0

I had to read a page more of fml's, but I finally understand your comment humorizer. :D

tyrob911 0

how is this an fml? he has a ****** job. do u think I'd call off work too if it was my girl's birthday? u must b anti social not to have friends come over to celebrate with u or even go out with. there's a lot of things u can do without your bf on your birthday.

supmofukka 0

its the thought that counts. he remembered ur bday quit bein a brat for not getting ur pony.

You probably regretted posting this fml when he came from work that night. jk :)

Really? You didn't even wait the whole day and he might have something planned on a day that he wasn't scheduled to work. You can't very well expect him to ask off for your birthday that's just ludicrous, most people don't even ask off for their own birthdays.He went to work! You cannot punish a person for having a job be glad he has a job and is sweet enough to at least give you a card, and hopefully a present or some surprise in the near future.

He remembered your birthday, got you a card and was creative about it. Sounds pretty damn good to me.

I agree! OP, You should appreciate the little things in life more. Presents aren't everything.

grampa_pubes666 0