By WTF, guys? - 26/08/2014 16:22 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my fourth day of my trip to the USA. I've actually started keeping count of the number of times people get confused because I was born in South Africa and yet am not black. Current count: 9. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 472
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nederlander95 14

I'm actually kind of surprised it's ONLY nine.

This reminds me of Karen from Mean Girls


Tawnkat 13

Die Antwoord is from South Africa and they are white. You have heard of them, I am sure. I have a friend named Tony where I live in Missouri. He is from there as well. His accent is very awesome! Sorry people are so stupid, OP.

Oh my god Karen! You can't ask people why they're white!

Welcome to America. Enjoy your stay. Please understand that while we offer education to everyone not everyone takes advantage of.

Pretty sure we have high dropout rates, so that may be a reason for the confusion.

You too? I had a black guy give me the evil eye, stare me down say "oppression"

Well on the bright side, a lot of people found out after Mandela died